모든 클라우드에서 실행되는 확장 가능한 개방형 데이터 및 AI 플랫폼을 통해
비즈니스 운영 방식을 혁신하는 AI로의 전환을 가속화하십시오.
모든 클라우드에서 실행되는 확장 가능한 개방형 데이터 및 AI 플랫폼을 통해 비즈니스 운영 방식을 혁신하는 AI로의 전환을 가속화하십시오.
Cloud Pak for Data는 거버넌스가 내장된 데이터/분석 플랫폼입니다.
데이터를 수집/구성/분석하는 방법을 간소화하고 통합하여 데이터 사이언스 및 AI의 가치 실현 시간을 단축해줍니다.
Cloud Pak for Data는 거버넌스가 내장된 데이터/분석 플랫폼입니다.
데이터를 수집/구성/분석하는 방법을 간소화하고 통합하여 데이터 사이언스 및 AI의 가치 실현 시간을 단축해줍니다.
이 멀티 클라우드 플랫폼은 광범위한 핵심 데이터 마이크로 서비스를 제공합니다.
계속 증가하는 서비스 카탈로그에서 선택하여 서비스를 더 추가할 수 있습니다.
Cloud pak for Data 기능
하나로 통합된 플랫폼에서 데이터를 수집, 분석 및 AI로 주입한 모든 기능을 제공합니다.
Db2 Eventstore
Store and analyze over 250 billion events per day with a memory optimized database for real-time analytics, Event-driven apps and AI with machine learning.
Db2 Warehouse
A client-managed, highly flexible operational data warehouse for private clouds and containerized deployments
Data Virtualization
Makes queries across multiple data sources fast and easy without moving your data.
Watson Knowledge Catalog
Includes Data Refinery Catalog, understand, govern, analyze and deliver business-ready data to your data citizens
Regulatory Accelerator
Included in WKC Streamline the process of complying with regulations by harnessing the power of machine learning.
Information Governance Catalog
Included in WKC IBM InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog(IGC) is a web-based tool that allows you to explorer, understand and analyze information
InfoSphere Information Analyzer
Included in WKC Provides data profiling and analysis to accurately evaluate the content and structure of your data for consistency and quality
Open Source Management
Open source software management: OSS
Analytics Engine for Apache Spark
A powerful unified analytics engine for large-scale distributed data processing and machine learning
Watson OpenScale
Infuse your AI with trust and transparency. Understand how your AI models make decisions to detect and mitigate bias
IBM Streams
Leverage continuously available data from all sources to discover opportunities faster.
Watson Studio
Simplify and scale data science to predict and optimize your business outcomes.
Cognos Dashboard
An API-based solution that lets developers easily add end-to-end data visualization capabilities to their applications.
Watson Machine Learning
Includes Auto AI Deploy machine-learning models into production at scale.
에코 시스템
부가기능의 성장하는 에코 시스템
Cognos Analytics
Cognos Analytics is an AI-fueled business intelligence platform that supports the entire analytics cycle, from discovery to operationalization. Visualize, analyze and share actionable insights about your data with anyone in your organization.
IBM Db2 is a family of hybrid data management products offering a complete suite of AI-empowered capabilities designed to help you manage both structure and unstructured data on premises as well as in private and public cloud environments. Db2 is built on an intelligent common SQL engine designed for scalability and flexibility
InfoSphere DataStage
IBM InfoSphere DataStage provides a graphical framework for developing the jobs that move data from source system to target systems. The transformed data can be delivered to data warehouses, data marts, and operational data stores, real-time web services and messaging systems, and other enterprise applications.
Watson Studio Premium
Is inclusive of SPSS Modeler, Decision Optimization, and Hadoop Execution Engine
Watson API Kit
Watson API Kit provides the capability to combine and choose several Watson APIs within on offering, with the goal of building AI applications or enhancing other applications
Watson Assistant
Use IBM Watson Assistant to build your own branded assistant into any device, application, or channel. Your assistant connects to the customer engagement resources you already use to deliver an engaging, unified problem-solving experience to your customers
Watson Discovery
IBM Watson Discovery is an award-winning AI search technology that eliminates data silos and retrieves information buried inside enterprise data, Watson discovery applies the latest breakthroughs in machine learning, including natural language processing capabilities, and is easily trained to your domain. With the flexibility of the IBM Cloud, users can operate anywhere.
Sizing strategy
계산에 필요한 VPC수와 VPC 제공 방식 확인 가능합니다.
VPC는 기업이 달성하려는 목표에 따라 결정됩니다.
그러나 일반적으로 다음과 같은 크기가 고객이 잘 시작할 수 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.

Extra Small
48 VPCs
Minimum starter configuration. Good for POCs and basic starter footprint. Up to 21 concurrent users recommended.

96 VPCs
Minimum configuration recommended to start with Data Virtualization use cases. Up to 33 concurrent users recommended.

192 VPCs
Minimum starter recommended configuration to start with Db2 Warehouse use cases. Up to 67 concurrent users recommended.

288+ VPCs
Consider this configuration for 103+ concurrent users.
Delivery and sizing selection
IT 전략이 데이터 및 AI 전략을 지시해서는 안 됩니다.
모든 환경에서 Cloud Pak for Data를 배포하기 위한 다양한 옵션을 만들었습니다.
Cloud Native Edition
Cloud Native Edition is a great way for a new Cloud Pak for Data enterprise to get started on some use cases.
All functionality is available : however, the consumption restriction is up to a maximum of 64 VPCs.
Enterprise Edition
Enterprise edition will grow from beginning use cases all the way throughout your enterprise.
Utilize Capabilities requiring higher compute capacity, leverage the platform behind your firewall with the System, and take your enterprise’s data strategy to the next level.
System Edition
Cloud Pak for data pre-installed on the system so you can get up and running.
Behind your firewall, in just 4 hours.
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